Top Picks for the Best Badminton Grip: Improve Your Game

When we step onto the badminton court, we’re not just carrying a racket; we’re wielding a tool that’s an extension of ourselves. It’s crucial, then, that we have the best grip on it—literally. The right badminton grip can make a world of difference in our game, affecting everything from the power of our smashes to the finesse of our net play. But with so many options out there, finding the perfect grip can feel like searching for a shuttlecock in a stack of feathers.

Understanding Badminton Grips

Following the introduction where we likened finding the perfect grip to searching for a shuttlecock in a stack of feathers, it’s essential to dive deeper into what makes a badminton grip the best choice for players. The grip of a badminton racket plays an indispensable role in the effectiveness of a player’s game. It affects not only the power behind smashes but also the precision of net plays and drives. Let’s break down the key elements that contribute to the utility and preference of various badminton grips.

Types of Grips

Primarily, there are two types of grips in badminton: the synthetic grip and the towel grip.

  • Synthetic Grips are durable and less likely to wear quickly, providing a firmer hold for players. They’re ideal for those who prioritize longevity and maintenance ease over feel.
  • Towel Grips, on the other hand, are known for their softness and high absorbency, making them a preferred choice for players prone to sweaty palms. They offer better comfort but require frequent replacement to maintain hygiene.

Grip Thickness

The thickness of a badminton grip influences the level of feel and control a player has over their racket.

  • A Thinner Grip allows for better maneuverability, enabling players to execute quick and sharp movements with ease. It’s suitable for players who rely on agility and finesse.
  • A Thicker Grip, conversely, increases the size of the racket handle, offering more power but potentially reducing wrist mobility. Players who favor powerful smashes often opt for thicker grips.


The texture of a badminton grip can significantly affect a player’s hold and overall performance.

  • Smooth Grips provide a comfortable feel and allow easy adjustment of the hand position, suitable for players who frequently change grips during play.
  • Rough Grips ensure a firmer hold, reducing the chance of the racket slipping during sweaty matches. They are preferred by players looking for maximum stability.

Understanding these aspects of badminton grips helps players make informed decisions based on their playing style, preferences, and requirements. By identifying the right type, thickness, and texture of grip, players can enhance their control, power, and comfort on the court, significantly impacting their performance.

Factors to Consider When Choosing a Badminton Grip

Continuing from our exploration of badminton grips, let’s dive into the factors players must consider when selecting the best badminton grip for their game. Understanding these aspects ensures the grip enhances performance by aligning with individual needs and preferences.

Grip Material

The choice between synthetic and towel grips isn’t just about durability versus comfort. Synthetic grips, known for their longevity, also offer a firmer feel, providing players with more control. Towel grips, on the other hand, are softer and excel in absorbing sweat, making them ideal for players with sweaty palms. Yet, they require more frequent replacements due to hygiene concerns.

Grip Size

The thickness of the grip plays a pivotal role in how a racket feels in your hand. A thicker grip can minimize the risk of injuries by reducing the strain on your wrist and forearm but might offer less feel for the shuttlecock. Conversely, a thinner grip provides better maneuverability and precision, catering to those who prioritize control over comfort.

Playing Style

Your playing style determines the type of grip that’ll maximize your performance on the court. Aggressive players looking for powerful smashes might prefer thicker, firmer grips for extra stability. Defensive players, known for their quick, responsive plays, often lean towards thinner grips for greater flexibility and finesse.

Weather Conditions

Lastly, the environment plays a role. In humid conditions, a grip that offers excellent sweat absorption, like a towel grip, will keep the racket securely in your hand. For drier climates, synthetic grips might be more practical, as they provide consistent performance without the need for regular changes.

Choosing the best badminton grip involves considering the grip’s material, size, how it complements your playing style, and even the weather conditions you frequently play in. By weighing these factors, you can tailor your grip choice to not just suit your preference but to also enhance your game, making every match an opportunity to outperform.

Top Picks for the Best Badminton Grip

Building on the importance of selecting the proper badminton grip, we’ve curated a list of top picks that stand out in both performance and player satisfaction. Our selection criteria focused on durability, comfort, and how well each grip matches various playing conditions and styles.

  1. Yonex AC102EX Super Grap
  • Adhering to Yonex’s reputation for quality, the AC102EX Super Grap enhances grip and absorbs sweat, making it ideal for players who prefer a combination of comfort and control. It’s available in multiple colors and is suitable for all racket types.
  1. Li-Ning GP20 Overgrip
  • Offering exceptional sweat absorption, the Li-Ning GP20 ensures a non-slip surface, enabling precise shots and better racquet handling. Its thin profile allows players to maintain feel and control, perfect for competitive play.
  1. Victor Fishbone Grip
  • Known for its unique fishbone pattern, this grip provides extra anti-slip functionality and is highly durable. It’s particularly favored by players looking for increased tactility and a secure hold during fast-paced games.
  1. Karakal PU Super Grip
  • This grip stands out for its PU surface, which delivers an excellent sweat-absorbing feature, combined with a soft touch feel. It’s one of the best choices for players who value longevity and comfort in their grip, suitable for long training sessions or intense competitions.
  1. Wilson Pro Overgrip
  • Renowned for its use in multiple racquet sports, the Wilson Pro Overgrip offers a perfect balance between tackiness and softness. It’s exceptionally durable and provides a comfortable feel, making it a versatile option for a wide range of players.

In choosing the best badminton grip, consider these options as they cater to different needs and preferences, from those requiring high sweat absorption to players looking for the utmost in tactile feedback and control. Remember, the right grip can significantly enhance performance on the court, so consider your playing style and conditions before making your selection.

How to Replace Your Badminton Grip

Replacing your badminton grip is a simple process that can significantly enhance your playing experience. Whether you’re opting for a grip that offers better sweat absorption, like the Li-Ning GP20 Overgrip, or one that provides superior comfort and control, such as the Yonex AC102EX Super Grap, the steps we’ll outline here will guide you through the grip replacement process seamlessly.

First, we’ll need to remove the old grip. To do this, start at the handle’s bottom where the grip ends, usually secured by a piece of tape. Carefully peel or cut this tape away and unwind the old grip from the handle. If the grip is particularly stubborn or glued down, you might need to use a bit of force or a blade to get started, but take care not to damage the racket’s handle.

Next, prepare the new grip. Unwrap your chosen grip—like the Victor Fishbone Grip for its anti-slip functionality or the Karakal PU Super Grip for longevity and comfort—and if there’s a plastic film on the grip, remove it. You’ll notice one end of the grip is tapered and often comes with a piece of adhesive tape. This tapered end is where you start wrapping.

Begin by placing the tapered end at the bottom of the handle, ensuring the sticky side is down and the grip is oriented so it will wrap around the handle in a spiral. The goal is to overlap each wrap by about 1/8 to 1/4 of an inch, depending on your preference for grip thickness. As you wrap, maintain tension on the grip to avoid any loose areas or wrinkles.

Once you reach the top of the handle, you may have excess grip. If so, use scissors to trim it, leaving enough grip to finish wrapping the handle comfortably. Secure the end with the finishing tape provided with your grip, such as the reliable Wilson Pro Overgrip for its balanced tackiness and softness.

Remember, the key to a successful grip replacement is patience and paying attention to detail. Wrapping too loosely or too tightly can affect your grip’s effectiveness and, by extension, your performance on the court. Following these steps will ensure your badminton racket feels like an extension of your hand, with a grip that supports your play style and enhances your game.

Maintaining Your Badminton Grip

After covering how to choose and replace your badminton grip, it’s crucial to delve into maintaining it for prolonged high performance. A well-maintained grip not only ensures a comfortable hold but also extends the lifespan of the grip, saving time and money.

Clean Regularly

Dirt, sweat, and oil from hands can accumulate on the grip over time, potentially affecting your hold and the grip’s durability. Wiping your grip after each play session with a mild, damp cloth helps remove these substances. For synthetic grips, a bit of soapy water does the trick, but ensure it’s thoroughly dried afterward.

Check for Wear and Tear

Regular inspection for signs of wear, such as fraying, thinning, or slickness, is essential. These symptoms indicate it’s time for a replacement to maintain optimal playing conditions.

Storage Matters

Storing your racket in a dry, cool place is vital for grip preservation. Extreme temperatures and humidity can degrade the grip material faster. Using a racket bag that provides some level of thermal protection is advisable.

Avoid Excessive Moisture

While some grips are designed to absorb sweat to some extent, excessive moisture can still be detrimental. Using sports wristbands or frequently changing hand towels during play can mitigate moisture accumulation on the grip.

Rotate Rackets

If you have multiple rackets, rotating their use can help in evenly distributing wear and tear, thus extending the grip’s life on each racket.

Maintaining your badminton grip involves simple yet effective practices that contribute significantly to your overall playing experience. Not only does it help in delivering your best performance on the court, but it also ensures that your equipment remains in top condition for as long as possible. Let’s keep our grips clean, check them regularly, and store them properly to make the most out of our badminton sessions.


We’ve walked through the essentials of choosing and maintaining the perfect badminton grip to elevate our game. By selecting a top-notch grip like the Yonex AC102EX Super Grap or the Victor Fishbone and following our guide for replacement and upkeep, we’re setting ourselves up for success on the court. Remember it’s not just about the grip we choose but also how we care for it. Regular cleaning, monitoring for wear, and proper storage will ensure our grips last longer and perform better. Let’s take these tips and put them into practice. Here’s to better grip and even better gameplay!

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